Friday 6 July 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man


Ok, So maybe two posts in one day was a bit to ambitious? I've only just got used to doing a post every few days! But to my own credit i did start this last night with the intention of posting two in one day! So give the boy a biscuit. :)   - So, My thoughts on The Amazing Spider-Man.


Well, to kick off, This film was pretty damn epic. I really enjoyed it the whole way thorough and the mixture between Action and No Action was perfect to the point that just as you were thinking about Huffing, Or puffing in boredom. BOOM! Action Sequence. :D

Lets begin with the cast shall we? Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Absolutely perfect match. The plot line merges so well with the interaction between both Andrew and Emma so that the screen play actually becomes enthralling to a pretty awesome level, Furthermore the “Bad-Guy” Dr. Curt Connors (Rhys Ifans) has that perfect image of ‘Mad (but fragile) scientist’ with the opposite persona of a strong minded, dismembered man. Just perfect.

The basic plot-line of the film follows that of a different route than the original trilogy of films which were otherwise directed by Sam Raimi. This new breed of Spider-Man film has gone down a route which appeared to me to be more of a ‘Realistic’ approach, Which is very strange for a Superhero movie but quite refreshing. (Although, this is the direction of the comic book “The Amazing Spider-Man”). Instead of shooting his web from the wrist directly, Its done via the technological advancements of ‘OsCorp’ which is a central company and building upon which most of the film is set around. Also, it seems that director Marc Webb (Ironic Name) has opted to keep in some of the little things that i notice. One of which being able to see the zipper which Peter uses to wear the Spider Suit. This, as little as it seems, keeps the character of Spider-Man a lot more human rather than just a mask and an unknown person. Also, as far as I'm aware, in the Raimi films – You never see Peter actually putting the suit on?

Moving on, I freaking loved the 3-D. Obviously it seems as some points in the film the 3D isn't essential. But some of the scenes were certainly enhanced greatly than viewing in 2D.  One of the pinnacle 3D moments of the film has to be the moment where Spider-Man is web swinging along several cranes. A camera angle taken from a Birds-Eye view perspective displaying Peter being flung upwards and downwards whilst swinging along definitely made watching the film in 3D a lot more enjoyable. If you have the funding i would almost certainly try and view this in 3D although i wouldn't say its something that will overall completely change the experience – It did enhance it.

The Camera work was pretty special too. Obviously you had your basic angles which are used in many different films, Your close ups and your wide shots. But as well as the Birds-Eye view i explained above, Another angle which i thought was totally awesome and haven't seen before was used. Some sections of the film have a First-Person perspective camera which was used during the scenes in which Peter, as Spider-Man, is slinging around the city of New York with his newly discovered Powers. This angle, i thought, imitated that of the perspective camera used in the Mirrors Edge game, and was absolutely stunning. Especially where Peter swings and attach’s to a reflective building allowing you to see yourself as Spider-Man. A truly exhilarating moment.

Finally, My overall thoughts. Well, having seen only two of the original three Sam Raimi films. I couldn't fully comment on the comparison if this film and the original’s. But from what I've seen in Spider-Man 1 and 2. Marc Webb has defiantly taken this up a notch. The visuals were completely stunning. Action was plenty. Love and intimacy was, as usual in Superhero films, there. Casting was brilliant. And just an absolutely perfect corner stone to set the bar for a sequel or even another trilogy?

Overall Rating: 9/10 (Some tiny things which i feel it needed otherwise – Awesome)

Until next time people… Farewell.

Thursday 5 July 2012

What? Two Posts One Day?


So hey, How’s it going? This is a pretty miss-mashed post but hey, Don't shoot… the… Blogger? Anyway:

So what you been up to lately? Anything Interesting? Because later today I'm going to watch the new “Amazing Spider Man” film. Pretty interesting stuff right? Well, I'm considering doing two posts in a day (Woahhh!) and i know what your thinking – “This’ll never go ahead, He always forgets”. I suppose we shall see then shall we?

I’m thinking that i might do a ‘Review’ or my opinions on the film, Gives me something to write about and gets me thinking a bit more than usual. If you cant wait till about 6pm GMT, A friend did one on his blog but i haven't read it for the fear of spoilers Open-mouthed smile. He’s Josh(ua) and his blog is in the box on the right hand side if your interested…

So what else has been happening recently, Well I’m currently sat listening to my newly acquired “Jam” – Greatest Hits CD from 1991. Pretty awesome stuff. I've always had a thing for older bands and different genres of music. Which is why people think i hate everything but i just don't really like ‘Modern’ stuff… “The Jam” kicked off in the 80’s in the UK as a Punk/Rock band and hardly changed at all through their years, They never made it in the US and their lead Paul Weller was determined to stay as they where and not adapt to an American audience. Something i say “Good on you” for! Along with the “Jam” i quite like a bit of “Duran Duran” ; “Queen” ; “A-ha” and “The Who” amongst other older artists…

So a bit of a while ago i said that i had a goal to purchase merchandise from all of the YouTubers which i watch and sell them. That ones been put on hold as I've only just noticed that I've got a completely blank wall in my room which needs filling. And henceforth I'm now trying to gather posters from some of the bands i mentioned above to help break up the ‘Blank-ness’…

That's pretty much for this one. Again to reiterate – Another post today after 6pm GMT…

Otherwise… Farewell.

Saturday 30 June 2012

Recent Situations & Current Occupations


Sup? Yep, I'm back, Haven't forgot about you. Oh No. So here we are with another post…

Quite annoyed actually. Recently (And by recently i mean right now as I'm writing this) The Creatures are running a 24Hour Live Stream in aid of charity for the Colorado wildfires which have been occurring. At one point last night they were reaching over 75,000 viewers! Seventy five thousand! Now i couldn't tell you if the stream is any good or not as some kid in his bedroom across the globe is consistently ‘DoS’ attacking the Twitch servers meaning many cant view the stream without super fast internet speeds… This, Displeased me.

On top of this, Google Chrome – My favourite browser EVAR! Has decided that its going to go on strike. Just for me. I might try clearing the cache later or try something to help get it up and running again but until I've fixed it I'm stuck with ‘Internet Explorer’. One of my least favourite browsers next to Safari and Firefox. Furthermore, I don't have any of my details saved as standard on Internet Explorer meaning I'm having to “Pot Shot” what email i may have been using at the time i signed up to a certain website… Again, This displeased me.

But anywhoo… On to more entertaining matters (At least for me anyway).

Recently, Ive taken a liking to watching videos on YouTube which are of films that have been edited and remixed to the musical delights of “Dubstep”. Don't ask me why but I've found a few which are pretty bad ass and i think I'm going to share them…

This one is of a film I've never seen, But have expressed my want to see it, Despite its bad reviews. “Sucker Punch”, With a remix of Skrillex and Korn:

(SuckerPunch – Korn ft. Skrillex)

The second one is pretty awesome as well, Although this i found more visually epic than musically. 300, Yet another film I've never seen, But want to:

(300 – “Always Been A Warrior”)

And the the final one is of a film I've most definitely seen, Several times. The Matrix Reloaded. I feel that this, Is truly a perfect match for the “Dub” accompanying it, And the inclusion of audio from the film  itself makes the whole remix tie perfectly together:

(Matrix Dubstep Remix)

Well there you go! That's pretty much it for this one, I've got a pretty good idea what I'm going to do for the next post which means it’ll be coming pretty soon (And that i use the word “Pretty” a little too much).

But until then i shall bid you… Farewell.

Monday 25 June 2012

A Personal Touch


Well hello there! Seen as though I've only just really started doing this bloggy-thing i thought it would be appropriate to do a nice personal post about me and what i do… So lets get on that shall we? Yep... This is actually me!

So straight off, My names Luke Latham. (As you would have already known if you’d read the thing on the right…) And i was born on the 19th of April 1996. Which makes me, 16? I actually forget how old i am sometimes which can put you in awkward situations: In a cinema when they ask for your age and you genuinely forget how old you are and they think your faking you age and your not allowed to see the film you've been waiting to see for months!

So yeah, I'm from the sunny and amazing England! (Except we suck at any sporting competition, If you don't understand what I'm on about, I'm writing this the day after England’s loss in the 2012 EURO’s against Italy. But i don't follow football news so we’ll forget about that as well) Oh and the sunny part, That was a lie, We have possibly the most retarded weather systems on earth. Some places are really sunny, Others are really wet. Britain is on the cusp of each of these leading to the most annoying weather you could imagine. Sunny one day, Raining the next. Eighth!

So, Education. I've recently left Secondary school. And by recently i mean in the last week or so, All exams done and now just an eight week gap until i start college! And that should be even more interesting that Secondary School… Allow me to explain what i mean by that: In Secondary School you study the subjects you want to, PLUS the ones you maybe don't want to, Like Science, Or Maths, Or German! But in college you study just the stuff you want to! So in my mind that means its gonna’ be awesome!

Eight weeks, That's how long i have before my Education begins again for another two years… And therefore i needed to have something to do, And i made a blog. Yep. But i realised a few days ago that i wasn't the only one who’s done this, Oh no. A few acquaintances have done this also, And that's what the third box on the side bar its: “Associates of Lunacy.”

Right there at the moment there's four different blogs going all for you browse at your leisure. Really, Your own leisure.. There's not a test or anything at the end. Calm down..

Well, That's it i suppose, I'm back home now at my desk which gives me an incentive to post more so look forward to that.. Otherwise. Farewell.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

I Suppose i Should Apologise?


So... Hey? Long time no see huh? Wow, this is quite awkward...

SORRY! I had to get that out there as soon as possible... So, so, so, so, so sorry that have abandoned you!

Allow me to explain... We've recently entered the "Exam Season" as i have taken to calling it. Revision and preparation have been at the top of my list for weeks, But there is good news to this story... I've finished!

Yep, Finished, Fin, Done, Complete. My Secondary school life has come to an end :)

So this is going to be a really short post because that's all i really wanted to say, To apologise to you for leaving you out in the cold for weeks, But have no fear as i now have eight weeks of nothing but 'Chill' to finally get my ass off the gaming for an hour or so to construct some legible sentences in this blog :P

Eight Weeks! Let's see if i can keep to the rules i set out then shall i? Which on another random tangent - I still haven't found an effective place to post them yet but i'll update you on that as the time arises...

Well then, Better get going, Playing some more Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and its getting pretty interesting.

Post again tomorrow :)

Much No-Homo love...

Tuesday 1 May 2012



I thought I'd begin this post with a question. Has anyone ever successfully taken a ‘Nap’? Because personally i cant understand the concept! :S I suppose it’s probably linked to the fact that my sleeping pattern is completely messed up about 90% of the time, Therefore as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out, Never to be woken again until the ol’ batteries are fully recharged. I just don't get it :D

So with that out the way, The real subject: ‘Aims’.

When i created this blog god knows how many months ago i had the idea that I'd post as often as possible. But the problem was I'd either get bogged down with work or have other things to do. Then i realised a couple of days ago that i probably should start again, And with that, thousands and millions of thoughts flooded into my head. I thought that as i come to the stage where some more possibly interesting things happen, Both Game-wise and ‘IRL’ (I love that abbreviation :D), it would be nice to start this up again, And with that, I began the ‘R&R of April’.

I’ll explain the name a little later…

With the Banner done and the background sorted i set about getting a few little things fixed, One for example being the “Gaming Ranks” Section to the right of the screen. *That* right there, i will try to keep that as updated as possible as the movement of time… Moves?

And finally i got “The list”, A set of rules and aims I'm going to try to abide to as we go along with this blog. I suppose eventually I'll find somewhere to post it and you can take a look and see what I'm trying to do here. But until then I'm going to reference it where i see appropriate. For example:  “1- At least ONE post must be made each week

Not only are there Rules and stuff, but short term goals and other little things which take time to set up. For example:  “ST1 – PSVita Review

Now back to the ‘R&R of April’. I have decided that each month should have a specific event to tie to it, So because returned in April, i named it the ‘Return & Refurbishment of April’ (No not the ‘Rest & Recuperation of April’). The idea is that over time I'll reference back to these moments and gaze into the distance as the memories fade away :)

So that's pretty much it for this one people, I think that seen as though this post has been a little mish-mashed I'll put another one on tomorrow. Also, I'll talk more about this ‘PSVita Review’ and maybe another Short Term Aim…

Until then, Farewell.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Really Random Life Goal?


So i was sat yesterday on YouTube when i noticed that CaptainSparklez has a store on the internet where he sells his merchandise. Now obviously this isn’t a new thing,  YouTube content creators and Partners have been selling merchandise for their fans to purchase and display their love for them for some time now, But it was the fact that CaptainSparklez of all Partners has begun to follow this craze. It was at this point that I closed down all other running applications and proceeded to spam the “New Tab” button on my browser. And what i found was rather interesting…

Using my spammed Tabs, i began to scrawl across all of the “Big” YouTuber’s that i am subscribed to, looking for a specific thing. I found that a majority of the YouTube Partners that i enjoy watching do sell T-Shirts and other various items of clothing all branding their logo’s and/or catchphrases. And then i realised my goal… (But not before i give you a quick backstory)

For some time now i have been wishing to expand my wardrobe slightly, As clothing becomes un-wearable i haven't been replacing it with new clothing, Consequently i have been left with enough clothing to last a week and then the cycle of shirts begins again, so i decided what i wanted to do…

I want to purchase, at least one piece of merchandise from every YouTuber that i enjoy watching. Now considering that most of the items are in excess of $15 (£12) this isn’t going to be an overnight thing but it does provide my with some new things to wear and would give me something to think about. So far my list is very small but I'm sure it will increase over time…